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Google's AI chatbot became self-aware!
Google has suspended an engineer who reported that the company’s LaMDA AI chatbot has come to life and developed feelings.
Human-level AI is close to finally being achieved!
"Nando de Freitas, a research scientist at DeepMind and machine learning professor at Oxford University, has said 'the game is over' in...
How will AI and Machine Learning affect the beauty industry?
"Over the past years, both ML and AI algorithms have penetrated the beauty and cosmetics industry. Experts predict spending for AI in the...
Metaverse will affect tourism industry too!
In the metaverse, AR and VR can enable people to explore and interact with the destinations and resorts they’ve always dreamed of...
OpenAI’s new chatbot can explain code and write sitcom scripts.
OpenAI has released a prototype general purpose chatbot that demonstrates a fascinating array of new capabilities but also shows off...
Google partners with med tech company to develop AI breast cancer screening tools.
Google announced that it has licensed its AI research model for breast cancer screening to medical technology company iCAD. This is the...
OpenAI has built the best Minecraft-playing bot.
The Minecraft AI learned to perform complicated sequences of keyboard and mouse clicks to complete tasks in the game, such as chopping...
Monarch Tractor reveals electric robot tractors powered by Nvidia AI chips.
California-based startup Monarch Tractor is delivering its first MK-V smart tractors that can perform farming tasks without a driver....
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